Photographs Hotels | Felipe Caparros hotels Photographer


Photography and video of Hotels, Hostels national and rural houses.

Interiors, exteriors, services, gastronomy, complementary activities.


A good image of your accommodation is the best presentation card and the best tool to sell your space.

Thanks to our specialized service of photographs for hotels its establishment will provide a more professional image, allowing you to capture the attention of a larger number of customers and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

We have cameras and photographic art equipment, allowing us to take pictures of high quality hotels, enhancing the charm and naturalness that requires every corner.



The important thing is to get a picture for hotel, showing the real essence of the same and that future client, when you make a reservation through your website, is with what you hired. Many hotels show images unreal or of rendering of their facilities and can that not be positive for a future recommendation.

We have cameras and photographic equipment of last generation, allowing us to take pictures of hotels of the highest quality, enhancing the charm and naturalness that requires every corner.

We specialize in photography for hotels in Jaén, Córdoba and Granada.


How do you know that 70 % of customers choose a hotel or accommodation for the photos of quality?


Do you want your establishment must have a professional image?



Contact with our study of photography specialized in photography of hotels in Cordoba, Jaén and Granada among others, and request information or budget without any type of commitment.